Monday, October 8, 2012

Midterm Study Guide

On Wednesday I have two exams. And a few assignments come due this week. And I need to get myself prepped for student teaching to begin next week.

This is how to NOT get ready for two exams on Wednesday...

1) Have a kid that doesn't like taking medicine get sick and require penicillin that tastes so bad that he vomits it back out unless it is hidden in orange juice.

2) Have Mother Nature not provide enough rain for the pasture and a husband who decides to bring cows home and all of sudden have to cook a meal for a whole whack of people. Mmmmm.....ham.....

3) Open a Google Doc and invite your table mates to join you in creating a study guide together. Then creating that study guide while those friends are online. If you know google docs you will understand. A whole lot of people can be typing at the same time and you can see what the other people are typing as it gets typed. It goes a little something like this...

Inuit: ooooooooooo....I am haunting your page....ooooooo......
Britt, get back to studying I am trying to type a definition of Inuit....
I am so bored of studying....
I am almost done typing out definitions.
I think Jolan is on here too
Jooooolllllllaaaaaannnnnnn....are you lurking on the google doc?
(delete, delete, delete)

Inuit: I am going to come back to this after I take a break.

4) Go have coffee with a friend.

5) Write a blog post with nothing intelligent in it.

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