Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Friendly Reminder

This is a friendly reminder that i am not always a "life is so amazing" chick. For instance, Roar had his second round of fever and headache in two weeks today. He bounces around while on Tylenol but crashes after four hours. The thing about Rory is that he doesn't become docile on Tylenol. He becomes wired. So wired that he didn't sleep at all last night, choosing instead to play with the very loud Transformer, "Bumblebee" in the living room right beside our bedroom door, at 3 am.

So I am cranky.

I also have an overactive imagination. A man called my house this a.m and asked for Dee ... Then hung up when asked who was calling.

So I am anxious.

Then, the motor on our heating system quit and caused two fires in our basement this week.

So I am scared.

I am so grateful that tomorrow will mean I will know if Rory will be better or needs to see a doctor, I will be at home with my kids, and the heat is getting fixed.

Friendly Regan will return tomorrow. Have a good evening!!!


  1. Hope your day is better tomorrow! We posted at exactly the same time again lol! Great minds think alike.

  2. You know, part of being a good blogger (as if I have any right to say what is "good", but hear me out) is being authentic. If you spent all your blogging time shooting out rainbows and unicorns and trying your darnedest to simply entertain, it wouldn't really be a real picture into your life.

    It's okay to be scared, and worried, and exhausted. It's life, and it's real.

    Not that I don't find you entertaining a lot of the time too. :)

    Hope your little man is feeling better tomorrow. There's a lot of super fun viruses going around.
