Saturday, November 3, 2012

Juke Box Hero

Today Rory and I decided his future. It went a little like this:

Rory: "Mom, when I grow up I am going to be the Hulk. Wanna know why Mom?"

Rory: "Mom. Wanna know why I want to be the Hulk?"

Rory: "Mom. Wanna know why I want to be the Hulk?"

Me: "mmhmm"

Rory: "Mom. Wanna know why I want to be the Hulk?"

Me: Yes. Yes. I want to know why you want to be the Hulk. (and here I realized that I am getting exhausted of typing quotations and because this is MY blog, I have decided to stop).

Rory: So I can help save people and get rid of all the bad guys.

Me: Mmm...well, the Hulk is a pretend person. Want to know something cool? What if you were a police officer like _____ ? He is a real person. You know him. He helps people and he gets rid of bad guys.

Rory: But Mom. I am going to drink lots of milk so I can be big and green and save people.

Me: But if you were _____ you could pull bad guys over with a cool car and drive really fast and have flashing lights! How cool would THAT be???

Rory: Ummm...Mom...I could chase bad guys without a car if I were the Hulk. How cool would THAT be?

Me: (trying not laugh at this obvious over sight on my part). But Rory, if you were ______ you could put handcuffs on people...wouldn't that be so much fun!?

Rory: Um...Mom...not actually THAT cool.

Me: AND Rory, the girls think men in police uniforms are soooooo cute. Don't you think _____ is soooo cute?

Rory: Ya know, I think I am going to be a drummer. Maybe in a rock band. This song has a good drum beat don't you think (Taylor's new CD song #1)?

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha! That was cute! You will have to remember this conversation for future conversations.
