Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Fine Art of Procrastination

I always find that I get the MOST done when I am trying to avoid one little task.

Tasks I try whole-heartedly to avoid:
- taxes
- organizing our tax files
- finding all the stuff necessary for our taxes
- getting out the Christmas tree

For today's purposes though, let's just say that I did not have to worry about getting the tree out.

In the process of organizing our tax files for 2012 I entered every room and became distracted by every little job I have had lined up for the previous century:

..found my closet!
..ran a short errand up the hill.
..decided to make stew, realized it would be better done in the slow cooker and put all the ingredients back in the fridge for tomorrow since I didn't have that much time.
..made my bed.
..took down the Christmas tree.
..gathered clothes for the MCC.
..window shopped on IKEA
..played "Sorry" with the kids.
..built a lego "Captain America"
..bathed the stinky boy.
..thought about painting my toes.
..cleaned the tub.
...started cleaning our shower...oops...just realized i wasn't actually finished that job.


Tomorrow I KNOW I will get to those taxes...or Rodger's of the two.

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