Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Busiest Busy Person Who Hasn't Won the Busy Award.

Is there an award for being the busiest person in the world?

I think I am the busiest person in the world.

I am SO busy. So very busy. Probably busier than you. And you. AND it is likely going to get me places. BIG places.

No, you think you are busier than me, but you are not.

Neither are you.

Aren't you sitting there running through your head the many MANY busiest sorts of busy work that you do and are you not comparing it to mine and thinking...I am busier than her but I am not going to say that to her because it makes me look more important?


I am so proud to say that I am so very busy being busy that I am not even worried about your busy 'ness' being busier than mine.

Going skating, painting a picture of something beautiful with Kennedy, reading together, doing puzzles, LAUGHING with friends, playing cards with my parents, taking time to chat with friends who mean the world to me, cuddling with Steve every night, and fitting in the odd "chopping Rory's corn silage" on his bedroom floor, makes me the busiest person. Hands down. I am so VERY busy trying to invest in my children's future... teaching them what IS really important in life.

If I win the award for busy 'est' person...maybe it will stop some of you from competing for it.

"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." Lily Tomlin

(and I don't know who Lily Tomlin is, and I DO advocate for hard work - just that I work to live...not the other way around).

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