Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I am feeling a tad cranky today. There is something nagging at me. It has been bothering me for quite some time and I am sure my teacher friends will disagree, but I just need to tell you anyway.

Teachers complain too much about report cards.

Okay okay. I am a teacher. AND I DO think the new report card is slightly over the top. AND I do not hold that every teacher is to blame for my crankiness. But I have noticed a trend that I believe I can offer a solution to.

Get some kids.

The ones that live in your home.


Life somehow takes on a whole new perspective when you have little creatures in your house....or maybe it is that I am getting old. Truthfully...I am worried about these new teachers who have taken report cards to a whole new level of sleepless nights, long hours in front of the computer and a lack of personal life. You will get it done. Believe me. It should not be at the expense of your loved ones and your own sanity. Your health matters.

I think what bothers me is that I don't see any of my doctor friends (because I have literally THOUSANDS of doctor friends) posting on facebook that they were up all night long helping a Mom give birth. Steve doesn't post every day about the HOURS upon HOURS (and HOURS) he spends harvesting food for the world. The caretaker at my school did not post on facebook that he cleaned up vomit today. Know why? Because they know it is part of the job. I choose to smile and be so very thankful for a job I love for all of its pitfalls and celebrations. I choose to get 'r done. Lousy days happen. So what. You have 2 more report cards sessions to get through. Is it the ONLY thing going on in your life? If so...get some perspective.

Tonight, I played Trouble with my kids.

I may do some report cards now.

It is so awful. Feel sorry for me? Of course not! You have a busy life too and a job that keeps you hoppin'. So cheers to whatever you do to help make this world go 'round.

Teachers do work incredibly hard. They walk a crazy blurred line between work life and school life. They take hours of work home every night... But we CHOSE this lifestyle. No one wants to hear us complain about the choices WE made. Report card stress = first world problem.

And if you want to borrow some perspective...I can rent mine out for a few hours....delivery, sauciness, hockey practice, dance parties and lunch making included.