Well my friends...technology here.
Like it or not.
We live in a world where one to one devices in schools is not a far off fantasy worthy of laughing at but instead already happening! Why wouldn't I let me kids carry the devices that power their future?
Now, before you get all upset with me...you need to know some important things.
A) My kids are very healthy...they play outside and imagine and create and run and jump and act.
B) My kids read. They read everyday. They read in our living room, in our bathroom, in the yard, on the deck, while they are camping, to their cousins, and sometimes...when they don't think I can see them...they even read to each other. They do well in school.
C) My kids have friends! Good ones! They get into trouble, they bicker, they invent, they celebrate.
D) AND I know this is going to go against every recent article I have read about how to be a good parent....they have IPODS that they can take where ever they want! They take photos, they make movies, they (eeek!) Play MINECRAFT (Parent of the Year is WAY too hard for me to win)...they text their grandparents, they have even been known to send spelling words to friends that live a distance away. They dance and sing. They YouTube musicals coming to Winnipeg and Google the Goldeyes' schedule. They find their favorite authors' websites and listen to stories downloaded from itunes. These are resourceful kids. AND I can brag. Because they are mine. And parents love to brag about their kids. Including me.
I do not believe that Technology Bad (said in cavewoman voice). I think that with every new change in our lifestyles comes hesitation and skepticism. New things are not easy. And these new things are changing fast. It is exhausting to keep up. Texting is evil - beware of Minecraft addiction - your kid's brain is going to mush. Maybe our kids' brains are working in different ways. That doesn't necessarily make it bad. Or maybe it is! I don't know...but I do know Apple is here.
SO instead of getting all worried that my kids are doomed to an anxiety filled, deaf, and robotic existence, I plan on making these my priorities:
1) Teaching iPod etiquette (it doesn't go into the bathroom, you may not take photos of people if they don't want their photo taken)
2) Teaching how to find the information they need in a safe and responsible way. What sources are reliable? You cannot believe everything you read.
3) Self Regulation - Vitamin D comes from the sun. Get outside.
It is all about balance. Find the balance that makes you happy. I promise I will not judge you for your choice in not allowing your child technology yet, if you promise not to judge mine making science videos about how the baler works.